Their leader is Sridama, who is also known as Pithamardaka. Talvan. Murti means embodiment. The parikrama of this forest is 6 km (3 miles). In Friendship - Does it matter with whom, we studied that Sudama as an exemplar friend to Krishna, only to be excelled in magnitude by Bhagwan Sri Krishna. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati is described in his pranama mantra to be gaura-vani murti. Vrndavana means there mother Yasoda, Nanda Maharaja, Radharani, the gopis, the cowherds boys, Sridama, Sudama, the land, the water, the trees, the birds–everyone is trying to satisfy Krsna. Once, Sandipani's wife asked Sudama and Krishna to get some wood from the forest. Aug 14. Just like Vrndavana. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati is described in his pranama mantra to be gaura-vani murti. He is the embodiment of gaura-vani, and Srila Swami Maharaja, your Prabhupada, is in the same line. b) Cause and effect. What happened to her after Krishna left? [Namaste gaura-vani sri murtaye dina-tarine.] Posted by dinesh. "Krsna's confidential friends are Sridama, Sudama, Dama, Vasudama, Kinkini, Bhadrasena, Amsu, Stokakrsna, Vilasi, Pundarika, Vitankaksa, Kalavinka and Priyaskara. This is material world. He hated Krishna's popularity and the fact that so many were devoted to him. "Krsna's confidential friends are Sridama, Sudama, Dama, Vasudama, Kinkini, Bhadrasena, Amsu, Stokakrsna, Vilasi, Pundarika, Vitankaksa, Kalavinka and Priyaskara. Murti means embodiment. An arrogant knight lived in the same town as Sudama. In the Talvan forest, Balarama killed Dhenukasura. Then, by hearing the sweet pastimes of Krsna from a bona fide Guru or sadhu, one may develop greed to serve Krsna like His cowherd friends such as Sudama, Sridama, Madhumangal or Subal, or like His parents Nanda Baba and Yasoda Maiya, or more than that, like the Gopis; and more: like the palya-dasis of Srimati Radhika, the manjaris. Their leader is Sridama, who is also known as Pithamardaka. He is the embodiment of gaura-vani, and Srila Swami Maharaja, your Prabhupada, is in the same … We will dive into this wonderful story in Bhagavatam, Skandha X, chapters 80 and 81 to unearth one of the most heartwarming and inspiring examples for all of us to emulate. And spiritual world means there is no question of sense gratification. c) Effort and destiny. Since Sudama was one of the most ardent devotees of Krishna, the knight hated him too. Who was Radha? Simply they want to satisfy Krsna. Krishna learnt to chant from Sudama. Krishna washes the feet of Sudhama. He once called Sudama and told him that the latter would get anything he wished for, if he would only chant the former's name. Radha-dasyam, the service of Srimati Radharani, is the ultimate meaning to be extracted from the gayatri mantra. Bhadrasena is the general who leads Krsna's childhood friends in military pastimes. O lotus-eyed Lord! There is a beautiful Deity of Balarama (3 feet tall) and His consort, Srimati Revati, here in a small temple next to the lake called Sankarsana-Kunda. Lord Krishna actually returned to Vrindavan.. Bhagavata Purana 1.11.9 says: yarhy ambujākṣāpasasāra bho bhavān kurūn madhūn vātha suhṛd-didṛkṣayā tatrābda-koṭi-pratimaḥ kṣaṇo bhaved raviṁ vinākṣṇor iva nas tavācyuta. [Namaste gaura-vani sri murtaye dina-tarine.] Don't think there is no reason for the word 'gaura-vani.'. Sudama was a poor brahmin boy who became a close friend of Krishna in sage Sandipani's hermitage. These friends are the same age of Krsna. 1.2) The law governs the administration of the whole … The vatsalya rasa devotees will serve Nanda and Yasoda, the sakhya rasa devotee will serve Sridama and Sudama, but ultimately, the whole system in one conception is included in Radharani. These friends are the same age of Krsna. The law of Karma consists of: a) Action and Reaction. - We all have seen Radha along with shree Krishna in so many temples and know that they are the embodiment of love and the purest form of love.
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