• His followers are called Ramanandis. • By the able use of arguments he reduced all the apparently self-contradicting passages of the Upanishads to a consistent system which has remained the standard of Hinduism to this day. Sufism was a liberal reform movement within Islam. • Sufism began to acquire the form of an organised movement with the establishment of the Turkish rule under the Ghaznavis and then under the Seljuqs in various parts of central Asia and Iran in the later 10th and 11th centuries. (250 Words) Reference. • In the ninth century Sankara started a Hindu revivalist movement giving a new orientation to Hinduism. The exponents of this movement were unorthodox Muslim saints who had a deep study of vedantic philosophy and Buddhism of India. • He advised people to follow the principles of conduct and worship: sach (truth), halal (lawful earning), khair (wishing well of others), niyat (right intention) and service to the lord. • Another salient feature of Sufism during this period was the emergence of Sufi poetry in Persian. Sufi Movements The medieval period witnessed the rise and development of a large number of Muslim religious movements, mystic organizations, religious cults and attitudes. • Nimbarka and Vallabhacharya were also other preachers of Vaishnavite Bhakti in the Telangana region. • Sankaracharya’s ‘Brahman’ is not really different from the concept of ‘nirvana’ of Mahayana Buddhism. Jan 14, 2021 - Bhakti and Sufi Movement in India - UPSC, IAS UPSC Video | EduRev is made by best teachers of UPSC. By continuing, I agree that I am at least 13 years old and have read and agree to the. • Sufism or tasawuf is the name for various mystical and movements in Islam. • He believed that he was the mujaddid (renewer) of the first millennium of Islam. of this page. • He opposed the listening of sama (religious music) and the practice of pilgrimage to the tombs of saints. • The other important Chishti Baba FariduddinGanj-i-Shakar, established himself at Hansi (in Haryana) on the route between Multan and Lahore. • This created a problem for the institution of the Sangat (that was a collective body of the Sikhs) in which God was said to be present. Manifest pedagogy: Bhakti and sufi movement, ideas like composite culture and emergent threats to this composite culture are areas of interest for UPSC in History and Society sections. Source: The Hindu. The Khwaja is said to have maintained a strict policy of not involving himself with the various groups and factions of the Sultan’s court in Delhi earning him the respect of many. Bhakti and Sufi movements brought a new form of religious expression amongst Muslims and Hindus. In this Unit, we will discuss sufi movement and ideas in medieval India. • The Chishtipirs laid great emphasis on the simplicity of life, poverty, humility and selfless devotion to God. • KhwajaMuinuddinChishti argued that highest form of devotion to God was to redress the misery of those in distress, fulfilling the need of the helpless and to feed the hungry. Discuss the salient features of the Sufi Movement in medieval India. This institution removed the masands as intermediaries. By the end of the sultanate period Chishti’s spread to the eastern regions of the Gangetic plain (Bihar and Bengal) and into the Deccan. selfstudyhistory.com The Islamic mysticism was known as Sufism. • He recognised the ascetic order of sanyasis on the pattern of Buddhist sangha and launched a campaign for the popularisation of Hinduism. Thereafter every Sikh was to have a direct link with the Guru. • Guru Nanak in his last days had nominated a successor and paid homage to him, this gave rise to the idea that the Guru and the Sikh were interchangeable. • QutbuddinBakhtiyar Kaki presence in Delhi was a threat to the Suhrawardis who sought to force him to leave by leveling charges against him. It aims at establishing direct communion between God and man through personal experience of mystery which lies within Islam. Also know about women saints of Bhakti Movement. Examine. • Shah Badakhshani another pir of this silsilah while dismissing orthodox elements, declared that, the infidel who had perceived reality and recognised it was a believer and that a believer who did not recognise reality was an infidel. Vithoba was the God of this sect and its followers performed a pilgrimage to the temple twice a year. • NasiruddinChiraghDehlvi was another of the Chishti saint of Delhi. • It was believed that the spirit of the guru did not pass onto any successor but instead remained within “ShriGurugranth Sahib”. In this sense, Sufism was a natural development within Islam based on the spirit of Quaranic Piety. • Mirabai was a great devotee of Krishna and she became popular in Rajasthan for her bhajans. • The Deccan city of Bijapur emerged as an important centre for Sufi activity. They had adopted the notion of bhakti from Vaishnavaism but they gave it a nirguna orientation. • They rejected the authority of the Brahmans and attacked the caste system and practice of idolatry. • Sankaracharya renewed and systematised Vedanta philosophy by stressing on its main principle of monism (evalaadvaita or absolute non-dualism). of chapter in the best manner. For UPSC 2021, follow BYJU'S God, soul, matter are unique in nature. Important Sufi saints. Sufism - Sufism - History: Islamic mysticism had several stages of growth, including (1) the appearance of early asceticism, (2) the development of a classical mysticism of divine love, and (3) the rise and proliferation of fraternal orders of mystics. The Vithoba of Pandarpur became the mainstay of the movement in Maharashtra. Hagiographies= Biographies of saints written by their followers (or members of their religious sect). Discuss the salient features of the Sufi Movement in medieval India. • The Suhrawardis were active in Punjab and Sindh while the Chishti’s were active in Delhi, Rajasthan and parts of the western Gangetic plains. • The Medieval period is considered as an age of great cultural synthesis in India and during this period a new phase of cultural development was initiated. • While the orthodox believe in blind observance of rituals, the Sufis consider love and devotion as the only means of attaining salvation. • Sankaracharya advocated the philosophy of “Advaita” the monism of the Vedanta by giving a brilliant exposition to the entire range of the Vedic religions and spiritual thought. • The Saguna’s like Tulsidas on the other hand upheld the caste system and the supremacy of the Brahmins. • Muhammad Banda Nawaz was among the famous pirs in the region. • The liberal opinion found its voice among many sufis who argued against the narrow definition of Islamic laws by the ulema. • While Arabic literature on mysticism is in prose, Persian literature is in poetry. • The pirs of this Order supported the concept of Wahdat al Wajud. You can download Free Bhakti and Sufi Movement in India - UPSC, IAS UPSC Video | EduRev pdf from Approach Introduce the Sufi Movement Discuss salient features of the Sufi movement Conclude appropriately Model Answer : Sufism or ‘Tasawwuf’ in the Islamic texts, is the quest for the divine within man. 30.9 The Sufi and the Bhakti Movements and Cultural 'Svnthesis 30.10 Let Us Sum Up 30.1 1 Key Words 30.12 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises. • This Silsilah was founded by ShihabuddinSuhrawardi in Baghdad. The death anniversary of Sufi Saint Nizamuddin Auliya was recently observed. Shaikh Bahauddin Zakariya (1182-1262): The founder of the Suhara-wardi order who founded the first leading Khanqah in India at Multan. • The influence of the sheikh’s teachings is evident in the works of the princeDara. • The Nirguna’s like Kabir rejected the varnaashrama and all conventions based on caste distinction and championed new values, helping the emergence of new groups and new unorthodox/protestant sects. • Between the 14th and 16th centuries many Chishti Sufis migrated to Gulbarga. Bhakti movement was based on the doctrine that the relationship between god and man is through love and worship rather than through performing any ritual or religious ceremonies. • The Turks and Mughals introduced fresh ideas and helped in giving rise to new features … In this course, the educator will be teaching about Bhakti and Sufi Movement • The mathas, among many, included Jaganathpuri in the east, Sringeri in the South, Dwarka in the west and Badrinath in the north. • BahauddinZakariya’s ways were different from that of the Chishtis. BHAKTI AND SUFI MOVEMENT BHAKTI MOVEMENT It was a religious reform movement during medieval times which emphasized single-minded intense devotion to God. • Moreover, the bhakti movement gave to the people a simple religion, without complicated rituals. Bhakti and Sufi Movement in India - UPSC, IAS UPSC Video | EduRev video for UPSC is made by best teachers who have written some of the best His commentary on the Bhagavad Gita called Jnanesvari served as a foundation of the bhakti ideology in Maharashtra. It spread into India in the 11th century but had origin in Persia. are very important for perfect preparation. • The impact of Ramanuja’s writings and his long service as priest of the famous Vishnu temple at Srinangam made his ideas widely known among the Vaishnavites and he is justly regarded as the founder of Srivashnavism. While he is remembered in the north Indian monotheistic tradition as a nirguna saint, in Maharashtra he is considered to be part of the varkari tradition (the Vaishnava devotional tradition). Jnaneswar was a pioneer bhakti saint of Maharashtra. • The period marks the development of two parallel institutions in the Islamic world – the Madarasa system (seminary, higher religious school) in its new form as an official institution of orthodox Islamic learning and the Khanqah system as an organized, endowed an permanent centre for Sufi activities. To Study Bhakti and Sufi Movement in India - UPSC, IAS UPSC Video | EduRev for UPSC this is your one stop solution. Sufis turned to asceticism and mysticism in protest against the growing materialism of… • All of them were influenced by the Vaishnava concept of Bhakti, the Nathpanthi movement and Sufism. But on the highest level of truth, the whole universe including the God was unreal, i.e., the world in maya, an illusion and figment of imagination, • Sheikh Abdul Qadir and his sons were supporters of the Mughals under Akbar. • His doctrine of Advaita or Monism was too abstract to appeal to the common man. • The Quadiriyyasilsilah was popular in Punjab. • Chisti’s refused to accept any grant for their maintenance from the Sultans. • The Chishti presence in Delhi was established by QutbuddinBakhtiyar Kaki who settled in Delhi from his homeland in Trans-oxiana in 1221. It established unity between Hindus & Muslims. Sufis turned to asceticism and mysticism in protest against the growing materialism of… In this blog, we will be providing you the study notes on Social Movements which is important for UPSC EPFO EO Exam 2020. This video is highly rated by UPSC students and has been viewed 502 times. • Their ideas seem to be a synthesis of the three traditions. Discuss the salient features of the Sufi Movement in medieval India. EduRev is like a wikipedia just for education and the Bhakti and Sufi Movement in India - UPSC, IAS UPSC Video | EduRev images and diagram are even better than Byjus! • Among the important Sufi Orders in the history of Medieval India were those of the Chishtitiya, Suhrawardiya, Qadiriya and Naqshbandiya. It has gotten 503 views and also has 4.9 rating. The Bhakti & Sufi Movement (Notes+MCQ) PDF Download also contains related Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) which will be beneficial for all Competitive Exams like WBCS (Preli & Mains), UPSC, SSC, Rail (Gr. • The patronage of this dargah peaked after the reign of the Mughal emperor Akbar. To create a sense of unity among the Sikhs the Guru started some practices which were to be followed by Sikhs. The Sultan of Delhi, Iltutmish, dismissed these attempts eventually forcing the Suhrawardis to relent. It is a socio-religious movement. 8), © 2020 Basix Education Pvt. EduRev is a knowledge-sharing community that depends on everyone being able to pitch in when they know something. • The Suhrawardis, unlike the Chishtis, accepted, maintenance grants from the Sultans. The origin of Bhakti […] These traditions focused on esoteric and emotional aspects of devotion. They see the Indian religious very near and realized its values. • The Vedantic Philosophy of Sankaracharya was revived by Vivekanand in the second half of the 19th century. • Among those who were influenced by Kabir were Raidas, who was a tanner by caste from Banaras, Guru Nanak who was a Khatri from Punjab and Dhanna who was a Jat peasant from Rajasthan. • From the beginning the mystics of this Order stressed on the observance of the Shariat and denounced all innovations or biddat. They had gone through various religious text of India and had come in contact with great sages and seers of India. He played an active role in the political affairs of the period. • During the medieval period the Sufis played an important role in interpreting and elaborating on Islamic theological concepts like WahdatulWujud (unity of being) and also encouraged the development of practices like Ziyarat (the practice of visiting tombs). All these orders had their specific characteristics. • Therefore, Shankarcharya believed that ultimately the only reality was the Brahman, the impersonal world soul of the Upanishads with which the individual soul was identical. Khwaja Ali Hujjwiri (11th Century): Also known as Data Ganj Baksh, the earliest Sufi saint of eminence known to have settled in India, the author of the celebrated manual of Sufism entitled ‘Kashf-ul-Mahjub’. 2. The Sufi Movement in South Africa. • He was a weaver and spent a large part of his life in Banaras. Elaborate the statement highlighting, how they worked for communal harmony.
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