SJAC serves those with an interest in astronomy throughout all of the southern part of New Jersey and surrounding areas. The horizon is all the way around the edge with the middle being right overhead, as if you were standing on a hill somewhere dark and could see the entire sky. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); What's the Southernmost Star You Can Locate? The stars Alpha, Beta and Delta Crucis are co-moving members of the Scorpius-Centaurus Association, a young association of stars in the constellations Scorpius and Centaurus that belong to the spectral class O and B, have common proper motion, and are believed to have formed inside the same giant molecular cloud. Here you will find information regarding our public meetings, and our upcoming events. The stars of the Southern Cross – Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon Crucis – form an asterism that really looks more like a kite than a cross.Two of the brightest stars that form the cross, Alpha Crucis and Beta Crucis, are among the brightest stars in the sky and easily visible from the southern hemisphere. (Beginner), Why is it easier to see a star if you look slightly to the side? A star chart showing the southern cross and a nearby star cluster. For millennia they have been used as a tool to share significant cultural stories, events and as markers. (Beginner), What's the difference between astronomy and astrology? The satellite re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere on 9 November 2014. The Incas knew it as “Chakana,” meaning “stair,” and it played an important part in Incan mysticism, symbolizing the three tiers of the world: the heavens, the world of the living, and the underworld. A third star was discovered in 2007, which may be a pre-main sequence star, and there are two other stars nearby which are believed to be optical companions, lying in the same line of sight but not physically associated with the Beta Crucis system. δ Crucis (Delta Crucis), formally named Imai and sometimes known as Pálida (“the pale one” in Portuguese) has a visual magnitude of 2.79 and lies at a distance of around 345 light years from Earth. We all know that the closer to the horizon an astronomical target is, the harder it is to observe. Use it to locate a planet, the Moon, or the Sun and track their movements across the sky. Eta Carina's spectacular nebula is only dimly seen in binoculars. There is no "South Star".  The Curious Team | Web Design © Siliconian | Image Credits | Team Login, What is the three-body problem? Star Tales. (Beginner), If I were hypothetically wearing a spacesuit and sitting on one of the Voyager space probes at their current positions in space, how much light would I have? Alpha Centauri has a close visual neighbour that’s almost as … Four finger-widths to the left of the Southern Pleiades are two rich open clusters, and the barely visible star Eta Carina. The primary component belongs to the spectral class B0.5 III, which means that it is a blue-white giant star. The Southern Hemisphere isn't so lucky. Sunday, Feb. 14 — Sirius sparkles like a diamond (all night) In mid-February the night sky's brightest … γ Crucis (Gamma Crucis), also known as Gacrux or HD 108903, is a red giant with the stellar classification M3.5 III. Chart shows 2,844 stars, nebulae and star clusters visible to the unaided eye. Like Ursa Major, whose bright pointer stars show the way to the North Star, the Southern Cross can be used to find the location of the Southern Celestial Pole, and has been used by navigators for centuries. Chiefland Astrofest. Other stars are partly obscured by a tree in the foreground. Its Mapudungun name (that is, in the language of the native Chilean Mapuche population), Melipal, was given to the third Unit Telescope of the VLT on Paranal. Seasons listed are for mid-northern latitudes. The Coalsack is located approximately 600 light-years away from Earth in the southern part of the constellation of Crux (the Southern Cross).This seemingly starless dark patch is actually an opaque interstellar dust cloud that obscures the light of the background Milky Way stars. The stars that form the cross asterism are just the brightest ones located in the constellation. The Southern Cross is one of the best known asterisms in the night sky, and the most familiar star pattern in the southern hemisphere. The Southern Cross is located near the larger constellation Centaurus, which surrounds it on three sides. It is only about 30 percent more massive than the Sun, but has 84 times the Sun’s radius and is 1,500 times more luminous. The X-shaped False Cross bears a slight resemblance to the Southern Cross and is oriented in approximately the same way, but the four stars – two belonging to the constellation Vela, the Sails, and two to Carina, the Keel – are located a bit farther to the north, and they do not point to the Southern Celestial Pole. (Other factors such as weather and the magnitude of the target, of course, also play a major role.) Learn about the southern night sky with our monthly podcast, sky guide and star map. Southern Stars built, launched, and operated its own crowd-funded nano-satellite. April 9-12, 2015 - Southern Star Astronomy Convention Hosted annually by the Charlotte Amateur Astronomers Club Click herefor more details. ε Crucis (Epsilon Crucis), formally named Ginan, is a fourth magnitude star, with a visual magnitude of 3.56, belonging to the spectral class K3III, which makes it an orange giant. The stars of the Southern Cross, image: Alain r at ... (Southern Fish). Compass directions. Norma Constellation | Constellations In The Southern Hemisphere. The mission of the Southern Cross Astronomical Society is to improve the awareness, understanding, and enjoyment of astronomy. Alpha and Beta Centauri pointing to the Southern Cross, image: Edoddridge at Just another side note: Polaris doesn't always point North. The Southern Cross carries significance across many southern countries and civilizations. This star map is designed to be held above your head. The European Southern Observatory (ESO) has also acknowledged the significance of Crux as the foremost constellation of the southern skies, and has proudly incorporated the cross-shaped symbol into the ESO logo. The only star that comes close is Sigma Octans, which is … It is at approximately -60° declination and can’t be seen north of 30°N. Their surface temperatures are 28,000 and 26,000 K, and luminosities 25,000 and 16,000 times solar respectively. Two of the brightest stars that form the cross, Alpha Crucis and Beta Crucis, are among the brightest stars in the sky and easily visible from the southern hemisphere. The Southern Cross was also found depicted on a stone engraving in Machu Picchu. The Egyptians saw it as representative of the place where Horus, the Sun goddess, was crucified, marking the passage of winter. Nov. Find more stargazing events, star parties, astronomy lectures, and other happenings using Sky & Telescope 's Events Calendar. The Southern Celestial Pole can also be located by drawing a line between the stars Alpha and Beta Centauri in Centaurus constellation, and finding the point where this line intersects with the one from Alpha to Gamma Crucis. Of course, because the stars move in the sky, the fact that we have a North Star and not a South Star is a transient phenomenon. The star has 1.42 times the Sun’s mass and a radius 32.9 times solar. To find the Southern Cross, first look for the two very bright stars nearby, Alpha and Beta Centauri. Please take the time to browse our site and first try to use the resources online to find an answer to your question. It is really a spectroscopic binary system, consisting of two components that can’t be resolved with a telescope because they are too close together. Example: The north star is Polaris. McComb, MS. Oct/Nov. Observers south of 34°S can see Crux at any time of year, as the constellation is circumpolar for those latitudes: it never sets below the horizon. Try finding a good, unobstructed view of the horizon. The star is a rapid rotator, with a projected rotational velocity of 210 km/s. Both components are hot class B stars on the verge of becoming class O. (Astronomy & Astrophysics 530) ^ Ian Ridpath. ThoughtCo / Carolyn Collins Petersen Fast Facts . So distinctive and evocative is the Southern Cross that the national flags of Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and Samoa all include a representation of it. What is the name of the south star? Image: Flickr. Acrux lies at a distance of 321 light years from Earth. Acrux is located at -63° declination and can only be seen south of latitude 27°N. It is a hot, massive blue-white subgiant star currently in the process of becoming a red giant. The map also shows the phases of the Moon, and all solar and lunar eclipses. Jsper National Park, AB. (Intermediate), What's going to happen on December 21st 2012? Alpha-1 Crucis has a visual magnitude of 1.40 and Alpha-2 Crucis has a magnitude of 2.09. It has an absolute magnitude of -4.14. "Johann Bayer's southern star chart". The system is a relatively young one, with an estimated age of 8 to 11 million years. Chiefland Astronomy Village, FL. Gacrux is the third brightest star of the Southern Cross, after Alpha and Beta Crucis. All-sky astronomical map. The Alpha Crucis system has only two components that are visually distinguishable. Many star names are, in origin, descriptive of the part of the constellation they are found in; thus Phecda, a corruption of Arabic: -فخذ الدب- ‎ fakhdh al-dubb ('thigh of the bear'). Size: 23" x 30" Buy at Amazon Read Customer Reviews: The Earth's Moon Click to View Detailed Image Once the precession of the equinoxes lowered the whole constellation below the horizon when observed from Europe, the five bright stars of Crux were gradually forgotten. Beware of Inca gods in a bad mood!Another famous sight seen from southern latitudes — though it can creep into view in tropical northern latitudes — is the Southern Cross, or Crux. They belong to the spectral classes B0.5IV and B1V. Dust grains in the cloud redden the starlight that reaches us by absorbing blue light preferentially, so that the red stars shimmering in the northern and darkest part of the Coalsack appear more crimson than they would in the absence of this dust.The first European to see this remarkable object was probably the Spanish navigator and explorer Vincente Yanez Pinzon when he sailed to the South American coast in 1499. The Coalsack earned the nickname “Black Magellanic Cloud” in the 16th century, apparently rivalling the prominence of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, the two dwarf irregular galaxies that shine brightly in the skies of the Southern Hemisphere. The Southern Cross is also included in the national anthems of Australia and Brazil. It is a constellation lies in the southern sky. (Advanced), Are there telescopes that can see the flag and lunar rover on the Moon? It's just a coincidence that there happens to be a bright star (Polaris) close to the Celestial North Pole. β Crucis (Beta Crucis), or Becrux, is also known by a proper name, Mimosa. As a result of precession, the Southern Cross eventually sank below the horizon for most of the northern hemisphere. Epsilon Crucis is also known as Intrometida, or “the intrusive one” in Portuguese. Friday, June 19, 2020 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Astrophotography for Beginners by Bettymaya Foott 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM Virtual Grand Canyon Star Party: Session 7 by the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association Saturday, June 20, 2020 (Advanced), If gravity isn't a force, how does it accelerate objects? Constellations Constellations represent groups of stars that have been given a name and more recently a border. The smallest southern constellations are Crux (68.45 square degrees), Circinus (93.35), Scutum (109.11), Triangulum Australe (109.98), Reticulum (113.94), Caelum (124.87) and Corona Australis (127.70). The Southern Cross was visible in the northern hemisphere about 5,000 years ago, including most of North America, as well as Babylonia and Greece. It was an important symbol to the Egyptians and the Aborigines among other cultures. It belongs to the spectral class B2 IV. Here is a view of the night sky for March 2021. There are 52 southern constellations in total. It lies at a distance of 228 light years from the solar system. Crux constellation is also bordered by Musca, the Fly. (Beginner), Which planet is most similar to Earth? (Intermediate), Why do the planets orbit the sun? Elevated horizon. In fact, the Southern Cross is the smallest (in area) of all the constellations. A beautiful sight in the southern sky, the Coalsack casts a dark silhouette against the Milky Way’s bright stripe of stars. (Intermediate), Is the Moon moving away from the Earth? He got his PhD from Cornell in 2005, and is now a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Western Australia. It is really a multiple star system with a combined apparent magnitude of 0.77, making Acrux the 13th brightest star in the night sky. The sky’s south pole has no such bright star. March 27, 2015 - Fisher Farm Park Star Party The Charlotte Amateur Astronomers Club is pairing with the Davidson Lands Conservancy and the Town of Davidson for our Bi-Annual Star Party Event. Tonight's Sky in Southern California, Mar 5 – Mar 6, 2021 (7 planets visible) View just before sunrise. Sky Map Online web app provides free, printable & interactive sky charts for any location, time and viewpoint. In Portuguese, the star is known as the Star of Magellan, or Estrela de Magalhães. It shows the night sky stars up to magnitude 12, planets and DSO. Image: ESO/S. (Intermediate), Our universe is still expanding, does that mean things in our daily life are expanding? The star is classified as a semi-regular variable (SRV) with multiple periods. α Crucis (Alpha Crucis), also known as Acrux or HD 108248, is a bluish star that marks the bottom of the Southern Cross when you are facing south. Southern Cross and Coalsack Dark Nebula, image: Fedaro at There are 88 officially recognized constellations. (Beginner), When was the last time all of the planets were aligned? (Beginner), How long could life on Earth survive if the Sun stopped shining? An example: the Big Dipper is an asterism inside of the Ursa Major constellation. The cross-shaped pattern can easily be seen from the southern latitudes at any time of year. Next. The pictures below show where the planets will be in the sky around the UK tonight and the patterns of the stars (constellations) around them.. Just 4.3 light-years from Earth, this double star (triple if you count Proxima Centauri) is also an anchor for southern stargazers. It is the second brightest star of the Southern Cross asterism. Brunier. The Coalsack is one of the most prominent dark nebulae visible to the unaided eye. Following a line from Alpha to Beta Centauri will take you near Gamma Crucis, the top star in the cross asterism. Composed of five stars forming the shape of a cross, it is the most distinctive feature of the constellation Crux, the smallest constellation in the sky. (Advanced), What what a black hole merger look like from a telescope? Here is a map of the night sky for February 2021, showing constellations you can see from mid-northern latitudes such as London or New York in mid-month at 10pm local time. NORMA CONSTELLATION – In this topic, we are going to know and learn about the southern constellation Norma, the Normal. The asterism is one of the easiest to identify in the sky and it has significance in a number of cultures in the southern latitudes. The Southern Star Astronomy Convention originated in 1986 and is hosted annually by the Charlotte Amateur Astronomers Club, Charlotte, North Carolina. Welcome to the South Jersey Astronomy Club. Southern Cross (also known as Crux) photographed with a 30 second exposure. Example: The north star is Polaris. In a wide-field image obtained with a Hasselblad 2000 FC camera by Claus Madsen (ESO), a region around the Southern Cross, seen in the right of the image (Kodak Ektachrome 200, 70 min exposure time). Brighter still than Achernar is Canopus, one of the brightest stars in the night sky. Ancient Greeks considered Crux to be a part of Centaurus constellation. Alpha Centauri is the bright yellowish star seen at the middle left, one of the “Pointers” to the star at the top of the Southern Cross. Mimosa is thought to be the hottest first magnitude star. (Beginner), What is the observational difference between a star and a planet? The cross could be seen from Athens at the time, but it was low in the sky. (Intermediate), Why do constellations look the same after several years even though all the stars are moving? (Intermediate), What was the bright, smoothly moving star that I saw? The North Star, Polaris, isn’t visible and the circumpolar northern constellations, such as the Big Dipper, Cassiopeia, Draco, and Cepheus become seasonal. When was this discovered? (Beginner), How far is each planet from Earth? (Intermediate), What is the difference between a "star" and a "sun"? Southern Maine Astronomers, SMA, is a non-profit, 501 (c) (3) organization, dedicated to public outreach and education in the science of astronomy.SMA is also a community of interested professional and amateur astronomers, exchanging ideas and information at meetings, through Yahoo and the Night Sky Network. Best time to see: March-September. These simple star charts will help beginners recognise the major landmarks of the night sky and follow the motions of the bright planets. In tropical latitudes, the stars can be seen from April to June. All-sky astronomical map. The earth moves around the sun, yet it is the sun that seems to travel against a background of stars. The first documented example of discovery of the Southern Cross was found in Ancient Greece around 1000 BC. It shows constellations you can see from mid-southern latitudes such as Sydney, Cape Town or Wellington in mid-month, at 10pm local time. It has a mass 8.9 times that of the Sun and is 10,000 more luminous. The name Acrux is an abbreviation for the Bayer designation Alpha Crucis, which entered common use by the mid-20th century. (Intermediate), What makes certain lunar eclipses so special? There is no "South Star". Alpha Crucis is the southernmost first magnitude star, lying just a bit more to the south than the bright Alpha Centauri in Centaurus constellation. The Southern Cross is notable for containing two bright stars, Acrux and Gacrux, which point the way to the Southern Celestial Pole. To see the Southern Cross, one must be in the southern hemisphere, or at least as far south as 25°N, where the asterism is visible just above the southern horizon. Image: ESO, Claus Madsen. A pole star or polar star is a star, preferably bright, nearly aligned with the axis of a rotating astronomical body. It's just a coincidence that there happens to be a bright star (Polaris) close to the Celestial North Pole. Traditional astronomy tends to group stars into constellations or asterisms and give proper names to those, not to individual stars. Many cultures developed their own constellation figures. As the Southern Cross dominates Crux constellation, it is often confused for the constellation itself, which contains more than five stars. We have 1113 guests and no members online. Star Tales. ^ a b "The Constellations". The event is held between April and mid-May (depending on lunar phase and facility availability) at Wildacres near Little Switzerland, North Carolina. Copyright © 1997 - (Advanced), Can artificial gravity be created in space? (Beginner), Astronomy Department at Cornell University. Finding the constellations and asterisms you thought you knew so well can be difficult: The Summer Triangle becomes the Winter Triangle down s… (Intermediate), At what speed does the Earth move around the Sun? Aviators and sailors sometimes refer to this point as the “south polar pit” because there are no bright stars marking it. But, if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, you can indeed use the Southern Cross – also known as the constellation Crux – to find celestial south. Virtual Grand Canyon Star Party: Session 6 by Focus Astronomy. Portuguese sailors mapped Crux for navigation while sailing near the southern tip of Africa, and Amerigo Vespucci is believed to be the first European to see the “four stars” as he called them, during his third voyage in 1501. This star is called Senakane (Sotho, Tswana) and Tshinanga (Venda), meaning “The Little Horn”. Sky Guide. 88 constellations Northern Hemisphere Spring Summer Autumn Winter Southern Hemisphere Autumn Winter Spring Summer Zodiac Asterisms: Naked-Eye Observing Moon Planets Milky Way Artificial Satellites Naked Eye Comets Meteor Showers Iridium Flares Aurora Star Clusters Eclipses The star is about 280 light years distant from the solar system. Check our website each month to download free star charts for night sky exploring. (Beginner), Can we find the place where the Big Bang happened? (Beginner), What is the significance of the Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circle? Called SkyCube, it launched to the International Space Station in 2014. 1 Answer1. This cross-shaped constellation has assumed great significance in the cultures of the Southern Hemisphere, even as far back as prehistoric times. It is widely known in southern Africa as Naka, “The Horn Star”. Astronomy; Star Charts; Star Charts. Image from: Star Registration. Mimosa is the 19th brightest star in the sky and Deneb, the 20th. - posted in General Observing and Astronomy: A different kind of observing challenge. Gamma Crucis is also sometimes called Rubidea, or Ruby-like, because of its colour. It is the brightest star in the constellation Crux. The companion is believed to be a main sequence star belonging to the spectral class B2. (Intermediate), How do you measure the distance between Earth and the Sun? (Advanced), Do galaxy mergers have a major impact on star formation rates within the galaxies? Sources disagree about who was responsible for the separation, citing either the Dutch astronomer Petrus Plancius, who split the constellations in 1613, or the French astronomer Augustin Royer, who separated them in 1679. The Aborigines and the Maori saw the cross as symbolizing animist spirits that were integral in their ancestral beliefs. The moon and planets orbit the sun in the same plane as earth, and appear to be close to the ecliptic. Hence, for observers in the northern hemisphere, the … (Beginner), Is it possible to count the stars? (Intermediate), What color is each planet? The Southern Cross, image: Antonio Ferretti (CC BY-SA 4.0). The first thing you'll notice after dusk south of the equator is that the northern constellations appear upside down. "Lacaille's southern planisphere of 1756". For southern latitudes, flip the season listed. (Beginner), Why is Earth's core molten? Deep South Regional Star Gaze. The five stars of the Southern Cross are believed to be between 10 and 20 million years old. The stars orbit each other every five years. (Beginner), What happened to the Arecibo Telescope? The stars of the Southern Cross – Acrux (Alpha Crucis), Mimosa (Beta Crucis), Gacrux (Gamma Crucis), Imai (Delta Crucis), and Ginan (Epsilon Crucis) – form an asterism that really looks more like a kite than a cross. Alpha and Beta Centauri are sometimes called the Pointers, or the Southern Pointers, to differentiate them from the two stars in the Big Dipper. Observers in the tropical latitudes of the northern hemisphere can see it near the horizon in winter and spring, but only for a few hours every night. Mercury is close to the Sun and can only be seen shortly before sunrise. (Beginner), Why do stars change colour when they twinkle? The two stars are separated by four seconds of arc. But it's only 6th magnitude--too dim to see at all except under optimal conditions. There is a "South Star" called Sigma Octanis located in the constellation Octans, but it is so dim that virtually nobody calls it the south star. The path the sun seems to take is called the ecliptic. The Aborigines saw Crux and the Coalsack Nebula as marking the head of the “Emu in the Sky.”. (Intermediate), How are light and heavy elements formed? The reason is that our Earth has a precession effect which make the North pole circulate around the sky. Most of us are graduate students at Cornell, and all of us do this voluntarily, in our own time, fitting it in around our other work. The Southern Cross should not be confused with the so-called False Cross, formed by four other bright stars in the vicinity. (Intermediate), How does the location of sunrise and sunset change throughout the year? It has an apparent magnitude of 1.63 and is approximately 88.6 light years distant. The Whole Sky images show the entire sky as a big round picture. The Southern Pointers. The Southern Cross spans only six degrees from north to south, a distance only slightly bigger than the one between Merak and Dubhe, the pointer stars located in the Big Dipper, which point the way to Polaris, the North Star, located in Ursa Minor constellation. Early Star Catalogues of the Southern Sky: De Houtman, Kepler (Second and Third Classes), and Halley. The longer bar of the cross-shaped star pattern points almost exactly to the South Pole in the sky. Image Credits ASSNE Astrophotographers Steve LaFlamme (Silver Sliver & Veil Nebula), Frank Nowak (Bubble Nebula), Andy Galasso (Antennae Galaxies), Roger Menard (Crab Nebula), Tom Hannigan (Flaming Star Nebula), and Mike McCabe (Star Trails) ^ Ian Ridpath. Star charts and constellations for both Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Richard Hinckley Allen, a 19th century expert in stellar nomenclature, noted that the stars of the Southern Cross were last visible on the horizon in Jerusalem around the time that Christ was crucified. (Beginner), How long does it take for the Sun's light to reach us? Beta Crucis has an apparent magnitude of 1.25, almost the same as Deneb, the brightest star in Cygnus constellation and one of the stars that form the Northern Cross, a prominent asterism in the night sky in northern latitudes in the summer months. The star is classified as a Beta Cephei variable with three different pulsation periods. They will, however, mark the pole’s location around the year 8600, when the pole has gradually shifted to a point just east to the intersection of the cross-arms of the False Cross. (Intermediate), What will happen to Earth's tides as the moon moves away from us? Constellations are groupings of stars into familiar-looking figures. Ask an Astronomer is run by volunteers in the Astronomy Department at Cornell University. Oct. SkyCube deployed from the ISS into its own orbit on 28 February 2014, and contact was established the following month. If you wait many thousands of years the situation might be reversed. They are divided into four quadrants: SQ1, SQ2, SQ3, and SQ4. It was coined by the American cartographer Elijah Hinsdale Burritt around 1835. The only star that comes close is Sigma Octans, which is 1 degree away from the South Celestial Pole. It is the nearest red giant star to the Sun. The Incas tell that the god Ataguchu, in a fit of temper, kicked the Milky Way and a fragment flew off, forming the Small Magellanic Cloud where it landed on the sky, and leaving the black mark of the Coalsack behind. Like Mimosa, Delta Crucis is believed to be a Beta Cephei-type variable. (Intermediate), What do I need to do to become an astronomer? The Southern Hemisphere isn't so lucky. The five stars that form the Southern Cross are represented on the flags of Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, and Brazil. It was in this period – at some point in the 17th century – that Crux was finally separated from Centaurus. (Intermediate), How does the position of Moonrise and Moonset change? Star map of southern skies. (Intermediate), What is the universe expanding into? Many constellations are derived from old traditional asterisms, which are star patterns within a constellation. (Beginner), Why is looking out into space the same as looking back in time? In Sotho tradition, a careful watch was kept for … Beta The Interactive Night Sky Map simulates the sky above London on a date of your choice. Chris studies the large scale structure of the universe using the peculiar velocities of galaxies. The constellation Crux lies exactly opposite to Cassiopeia and the two can never be visible in the sky at the same time. The name, derived from the Latin word for “actor,” likely came from the flower. The Southern Cross was rediscovered by Europeans in the Age of Discovery, in the period from the early 15th century to the early 17th century.
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