October 14, 2013 12:52 PM, (5) Several hundred thousand people have attended the funeral in Jerusalem of influential Rabbi Ovadia Yosef. By that evening, over 800,000 people streamed into Yerushalayim for the largest funeral in the history of the State of Israel. 118329512, citing Sanhedria Cemetery, Jerusalem, Jerusalem District, Israel ; Maintained by Adam J. Leventhal (contributor 47561658) . In his will, said Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, his father had commanded that the Sephardic community remain united, and not fight over his legacy or his successor. October 15, 2013 4:06 AM. (JTA) — The largest gathering of Israelis ever amassed for the funeral of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the Sephardi sage and political leader who died Monday at age 93. He was one of the biggest geonim of the generation but was also the greatest civil rights leader of Israel who tranformed the lives of 50% of the Israeli population who faced discrimination, poverty, hopelessness and spiritual ignorance. Have to agree with Chava, and do not think SMS or twitter had much to do with word spreading. The great rav lived a long life filled with torah and tzedakah. It was a mesmerising affair, listening to the speakers, (Rabbi Levy) including members of the Beth Din. Similarly, after Aharon died on Mount Hor the Jewish people were shocked to discover he did not return to the camp; he also had no public funeral. In Palestine, the family adopted the surname "Ovadia". When Moshe died, his burial was private and the location remains an everlasting secret. It would have been too much to wait with any deceased person without refrigeration, and against our long-standing custom of burying the dead quickly. Certainly this is the largest recorded Jewish funeral in modern times – i.e. (10) Sinai yet again. Dozens of speakers, representing the Sephardic, Ashkenanzic, and Hassidic Torah communities eulogized the Rabbi Yosef. Police appealed to people attending the funeral not to engage in dangerous behavior, and to stay off roofs and not climb atop antennas in order to see the funeral. She is the Founding Director of The Jewish Women's Renaissance Project, an international initiative that brings thousands of women to Israel each year from 18 different countries on highly subsidized programs to inspire them with the beauty and wisdom of their heritage (www.jwrp.org). Rabbi Yosef, he added, was “one of the greatest influencers of Jewish history.”. The general custom of Sephardim in Jerusalem is for the sons of the deceased not to attend the internment. The heavens of yesterday are not the heavens of today,” such is the loss. Kelly Rebekah ben Maimon, I was wondering – when was the last time that a Jewish funeral was this large? 850,000 people were there. © 2021 Aish.com - Your life. Considering the count of 600,000 men aged 20-60, and adding the men under 20, the women, the Levites, and the elderly, the total would have been a few million mourning the death of Aharon. He was 93. March 11, 2014 11:11 PM. The massive funeral Monday for Rabbi Ovadia Yosef – the largest funeral in Israel’s history – proves that Judaism has won, Rabbi Mordechai Nagari declared Tuesday, speaking to Arutz Sheva. Maran Rav Ovadia Yosef, zt”l [1920-2013] ... to walk 3 miles up hill just to get into the city and then he had to walk another mile to get at least close to Porat Yosef, from where the funeral procession departed. She is a much sought-after international speaker, having lectured in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, U.K., Central America, South America, South Africa and Israel, including featured talks at Yale, Brown and Penn. (7) Like in a family as Lori said, word gets around. Some 800,000 Mourners Attend Funeral of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef . Share in Facebook. He showed us the way, as have other tzaddicks and for me personally that means holding on to Torah with both hands, tightly. Oct. 7, 2013. I would have liked to hear something about him since the headline reads "Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's funeral", (8) It may not be tragic, but it's still sad. Stepping out of the Jerusalem Central Bus Station, I saw them, men in hats and coats walking together slowly, a steady stream moving east along one of Jerusalem’s central thoroughfares to the funeral of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef. (9) Rabbi Yosef's Funeral Largest in Israel's History. Yet given that that all the Jewish people encamped and traveled together, there was no doubt total nationwide mourning at the time of their deaths (as well as Miriam's) – which hasn't been possible again till modern times. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s enormous funeral was in many ways, especially in the way it was reflected in the media, the mirror image of the mass social protest that broke out in the summer of 2011. Former Chief Sephardic Rabbi Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron said that Rabbi Yosef “was like a brother to all of us, to all of the Jewish people.”. … Funeral For Influential Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Through the Shas party he founded in the early 1980s, Sephardic Rabbi Ovadia Yosef wielded unique political influence in Israel. chava, Jewish mourners observe the funeral of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the spiritual leader of Israel's Sephardic Jewish community and the ultra-Orthodox Shas... Children rip their cloth as a sign of grief as Jewish mourners observe the funeral of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the spiritual leader of Israel's Sephardic... Ultra-Orthodox Jews gather in Jerusalem on October 13 in memory of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef who died the … TEL AVIV — Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the Israeli sage who founded the Sephardic Orthodox Shas political party and exercised major influence on Jewish law, died Monday at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem. I was wondering – when was the last time that a Jewish funeral was this large? Back then there were only … Never had the pleasure of meeting him myself but fortunate to read some of what he had written over the years. Photo from B’Chadrei Charedim. Updated: Apr. Rabbi Yosef, 93, passed away earlier in the day. It was ten percent of the country. Sidney, Much of the hareidim don't use SMS or Twitter. (3) Border Guards and police were attempting to push the crowd away from the vehicle. 1 in 10 Israelis came to the funeral. Almost a million Jews honored the late Rabbi Ovadia Yosef last month at his funeral, the largest funeral in Israeli history. To find a larger funeral, believe it or not, we may have to go all the way back 3,300 years to the Jewish wandering in the desert. For a secular Jewish woman in Jerusalem, the funeral of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef was an opportunity to cross over into the alien bowels of the ultra-Orthodox religious world. (2) Our editor needs it in case we have a question about your comment. But instead of receiving the Torah, we were standing together to honor a man who was Torah. People had been saying t'hilim and had been davening for him. The Rav was a gadol and a Gaon, yet the Rav was a real person. (JTA) — More than 800,000 people filled the streets of Jerusalem for the funeral of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the Sephardi sage and political leader who died at age 93. Our editor needs it in case we have a question about your comment. Ultra-orthodox Jewish mourners grieve around the body of their Rabbi Ovadia Yosef during his funeral in Jerusalem on Monday. There were sefardim, Ashkenazim, rich and poor, religious and secular and the greatest Gedolei Torah and the most unlearned Jewsl. What amazed me even more is that funeral was held just 4 hours after he died! Lori Almost Live! Road 1, the main road into Jerusalem, has been closed to private cars, with only buses allowed into the city, and many people simply abandoned their vehicles at the side of the road, proceeding on foot to join the funeral procession. Spirituality Police said late Monday that it was the largest funeral in Israel's history. (Deut. Police said that a wall on which dozens of people had climbed in order to get a better view of the procession had collapsed; fortunately no one was injured. Later in life, Ovadia Yosef changed his surname to be his middle name, "Yosef", to avoid the confusion of being called "Ovadia Ovadia". rachel, I love the way she said we are family and hope this is the spark that starts us all to return to Torah. A mourner at Rav Ovadia’s funeral. Among the first to speak was Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, one of Rabbi Yosef's sons and current Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel. Share in Facebook. Anonymous, Lori Palatnik is a writer and Jewish educator who has appeared on television and radio. At the funeral, Harav Aryeh Deri addressed Harav Ovadia directly, “40 years ago we stood here on these steps of Yeshivat Porat Yosef, you and I. Radio Kol Berama, a radio station associated with Shas, said that there were no fewer than a million people at the funeral. An estimated 800,000 mourners attended the funeral procession for Yosef in Jerusalem on Oct. 7. Organizers of the funeral called for order and for the crowd to step away from the vehicle, but in vain. London, England, (4) (1) In a heart-wrenching voice, Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef spoke of his father, saying that “from the days of the Bet Yosef,” Rabbi Yosef Karo, the 16th century author of the Code of Jewish Law, “there has been no equal to Rabbi Ovadia, and there will be no equal to him. 34:5-8; Numbers 20:29 with Rashi), So how many people mourned? It was ten percent of the country. And yet, they knew and they were there. October 13, 2013 5:23 PM, Word gets around --- without sms or twitter. ), Beyond that, we find no mention of a large funeral in the biblical books of Judges, Samuel and Kings. She lives in the Washington, D.C. area with her husband, Rabbi Yaakov Palatnik, and is the busy mother of five children, ages 25 to 15. chacham Ovadia Yosef A"H was more then a spiritual leader and giant, he was a legend of all times, NoONE can replace what we have lost, my heart tears from pain when I think of who we lost, may His soul pray for the rest of klal yisrael! Funeral follows death earlier Monday of Shas spiritual leader and former chief rabbi; at least 200 receive medical attention. Only then, catching the news, did I hear that 800,000 people had come to pay respects to Ovadia Yosef. By Aish.com’s Ask the Rabbi I saw on the news that the funeral of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef was attended by 850,000 people. Many of Jerusalem’s main streets were closed for Monday’s funeral, which is being called by local media the largest funeral in Israeli’s history. We have been left orphaned.". Updated: Apr. What the World does not know (maybe for the good also) and unfortunately many Jews do not either is that we are indeed a family, a nation, an ethnic group whether we were born into Judaism - or sincerely converted into it by accepting the commandments. October 14, 2013 11:59 AM. Police raised their estimate of the numbers of funeral attendees as the funeral slowly made its way from the Porat Yosef Yeshiva in the Geula neighborhood, where eulogies were held, to the cemetery in the Sanhedria neighborhood, where Rabbi Yosef will be interred. Recognizing that his views on "land for peace" wasn't working with some arabs (intifada) he changed his views. (6) October 14, 2013 12:45 AM. I am grateful that after I became frum more than two decades ago I was able to chose my family of Kal Yisrael. Your email address is kept private. The Yeshiva here in Baltimore had a live hook-up of the levaya. When a member of the family is niftar we mourn. October 18, 2013 11:31 AM, This is the first time I heard Lori speak. Some 800,000 people - 10% of Israel's population - were attending the funeral of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Monday night in Jerusalem. Today, with SMS and Twitter, the word about the passing of the great sage Rabbi Ovadia Yosef made it possible for so many people to travel to Jerusalem on such short notice.
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