The subject of an -ing participle clause must be the same as the subject of the main clause. This sentence is far more complex... 2. Did you get your answers? Let’s look in more detail! Tulip mania, which occurred in Holland, reached its peak in 1637. Complex Sentence Generator is very easy to use. Complex sentences . Alex explains it all in this video! . In one sentence the subject has no main verb. For extra challenge, can you add a third idea? Now, you’ll see four different grammatical tools you can use to combine and add to these sentences to make them richer and more complex. Therefore, you take the basic sentences like those above and make them into complex sentences by joining them together. Tulip mania, which is the earliest well-known example of a financial bubble, reached its peak in 1637, when a single tulip bulb could cost ten times an average worker’s salary. Have the students with the most sentences stand. Here’s the best way to do it: Let’s look at one more point here. A dependent clause expresses an incomplete thought and needs back-up from an independent clause to form a proper sentence. We had better go home when the sun sets. He ate popcorn. Governments can really have an impact on public health if they give tax incentives to companies that use great energy. A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses. For questions 10-20, write one or two words to complete the complex sentences. Having increased to the point that a single tulip bulb could cost ten times an average worker’s salary, tulip prices collapsed dramatically in 1637. This generator can also work as a random sentence generator. I like volleyball and tennis. By using: relative pronouns – that, which, who, whose. Finally, a warning! Each student writes two complex sentences and one simple sentence on each card (in any order). If not, don’t worry; look at an example based on our first sentence: Here, you use a participle clause to connect two ideas. If you want to read more about tulip mania, there’s a link to a Wikipedia article about tulip mania here. Relative clauses can do two things. ‘Cleft sentences’ are also called ‘focusing clauses’ in some books and materials. The complex sentences are generated based on context, so you won’t have to worry about losing the idea behind the content. A Chinese sentence may be either a simple sentence, or a complex sentences, made of more than 2 simple sentences. Want a hint? In the first sentence, you’ll probably need to change the structure a little by separating ‘in 1593’ from the main clause using a comma. A clause is a group of words with both a subject and a verb. I have no money to spare. Learning how to spot a complex sentence is useful because it helps with punctuating sentences correctly. You can do this by using ‘it’, like this: Here, you’re focusing on the year, 1637. 3) A complex sentence contains an independent clause and a dependent clause. It is a free word rewriter tool that can effectively paraphrase sentences, paragraphs and even complete articles.. Write one word in the gap so that the final sentence means the same as the first three: There are millions of diseases caused by alcohol, drugs and tobacco. (chuckles) - [Voiceover] So this sentence … This exercise starts off easy by using two simple sentences and using a conjunction to connect the two sentences to make one complex sentence. Hence you can not start it again. What activities are good for building fluency in complex sentences (e.g. The Band descriptors or marking scheme say that you need to ‘use a variety of complex structures’ and have ‘grammatical range and accuracy.’ This sentence is slightly more complex than the previous one. This sentence is slightly more complex than the previous one. Which one of these two sentences uses a relative clause to add an opinion about the whole idea? Use the following most common subordinating conjunctions – “after,” “although,” “as,” “because,” before,” “how,” “if,” “once,” “since,” “than,” “that,” “though,” “till,” “until,” and “when” in your activities for to aid in understan… 486k watch mins. When writing, make sure your sentence has a clear subject. Also, using these structures requires that you have at least an intermediate knowledge of English grammar. By using a variety of complex sentence forms, your writing will become more versatile and elegant. This lesson assumes that you know how to form different verb forms and use relative clauses, among other things. (The TOEIC test will only test on: and, but, & so.) Study the example given below. For example; My Dad laughed when I told a joke. 2. A complex sentence has one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. Of course, a comma isn't required to create a complex sentence. To be a good writer, you should make it clear which ideas are more important. However, there’s another way to use them. Can you correct these 14 basic grammar mistakes. 2. You can also combine this with other structures you’ve seen in this lesson. Amazonia covers an area about half the size of Europe, and is home to more than 50% of the world’s rainforest. The term ‘tulip mania’ is sometimes used to refer to similar situations, such as the Bitcoin bubble of 2017. Normally, you should use simple sentences when making main points; at the beginning of a paragraph. It is common to be given a line graph to describe the main trends of the lines. Tulip mania, which occurred in Holland, reached its peak in 1637, when prices collapsed dramatically. This lesson will focus on grammar structures for forming complex sentences without using conjunctions. the world and learned about other cultures, young people who do a gap year arrive at university as far more mature adults than those coming straight from school. But what makes a blog stand out? We had better go home when the sun sets. How to Make Complex Sentences - Part 1. 2. So, you can see that all of the clauses above are working sentences. The sentences are then cut in half, and put in two mystery boxes – a ‘what’ box and a ‘why’ box. If you have one complete sentence and one incomplete or subordinate sentence, you can combine them into a complex sentence with a comma or by adding a conjunction like "because," "since," while," or "although." Which of these sentences uses an -ing clause to identify cause and effect? Get good quality feedback to make sure that your writing is clear, well-organised and accurate. Look at an example of two ideas linked with an -ed participle clause: You can use -ed participle clauses when you have two clauses with the same subject, and one of the clauses has a passive verb. So, if you want to emphasise an idea, you should find a way to move it to the beginning of the sentence. To make sense we need to add an … He proved that he was innocent. Students can share sentences with a partner to make sure the sentences are complex. By using our website, you agree to our use of cookies and our, We're sorry, but you cannot use our site without agreeing to our cookie usage and. Make contrasts. You should also learn how to use a range of conjunctions and linking phrases to build sentences. In a sentence like this with two clauses, the -ing clause can only refer to the subject in the second clause. Independent clause / subordinating conjunction / dependent clause . You can use multiple relative clauses in the same sentence; for example: Here, you add a second relative clause, with ‘when’, to add more information about the noun ‘1637’. You can see that the subordinating conjunction is connected to the subordinate clause. Here we listed useful conjuctions in English sentences. Tulips started to be cultivated in Holland in 1593. Grammar for IELTS: How to write complex sentences 1. Share. Pause the video and think about your answer. Savayam Prabha. In the correct answer, the participle clause is the reason for the main clause. Diagramming complex sentences helps us to understand the function of subordinating conjunctions. You have already completed the quiz before. Complex sentences let us share lots of information with just one sentence. First, look at four sentences: Pause the video, read the sentences, and look up any words which you don’t know. Sitemap, Conjunctions And Relative Pronouns Exercise. It was in 1593 that tulips started to be cultivated in Holland. Definitions and examples demonstrate how important complex sentences can be when varying your writing style. Learn how to write a complex sentence for an IELTS line graph. Which of these two sentences correctly uses an -ing participle clause to state two situations that occur at the same time? Here, you use a relative clause—‘which occurred in Holland’—to add information to the noun phrase ‘tulip mania’. To make a complex sentence, first you have to find a main idea that you can turn to a main clause which is independent. Take a look. Young people who spend a gap year seeing the world and learning about other cultures arrive at university as far more mature adults than those coming straight from school. Remember that you can always review a section if you need more time to work on it. One: you can use a relative clause to add information to a noun or noun phrase. Tulips increased in popularity and price until 1637, when prices collapsed dramatically. I like football because it's interesting. Earned Point(s): 0 of 0, (0) 0 Essay(s) Pending (Possible Point(s): 0). Please, tell me your address. A complex sentence consists of one main clause and one or more subordinate clauses joined together with the help of subordinating conjunction(s).. Two clauses connected by relative pronouns or relative adverbs are also examples of complex sentences. I didn't break my chair. A simple sentence will usually include at least two parts, the subject and predicate. It's not every day we get a new blue This lesson is technical and contains a lot of information. All sentences must contain at least one independent clause. Watch Now. For Example: Crashing was a terrible idea, … Students are able to confidently enhance their writing by understanding how sentences are structured for effect. It was in 1637 that tulip mania reached its peak, at which point a single tulip bulb could cost ten times an average worker’s salary. Depending on the sample sentences, students can learn how to use appositives, participial phrases, subordinate clauses, or parallel structure (among others) in their writing. Let’s practise! You need lots and lots of complex sentences throughout the whole essay. Similarly, the last three examples of simple sentences can be joined to make a complex sentence. Ready? To understand how to make a complex sentence, you also need to … They don't have to know the names of the structures--in fact, I started teaching imitation by naming the parts of the sentences ('The sentence starts with an infinitive phrase. It is common to be given a line graph to describe the main trends of the lines. Would you like to submit your quiz result to the leaderboard? Maybe you write for work. Answer. It can also act as the subject/object of the different clauses. That’s an excellent score! An independent clause is a phrase that would make sense if it were a sentence on its own, whereas a dependent clause will not form a sentence on its own. Your answer should be quite similar to the example you saw before. Please, tell me your address. The punctuation for these sentences isn't complex at all.
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