Morningstar Security News gathers headlines from all of the most popular infosec and cyber security websites on a single page. There’s a reason the word ‘conspiracy’ was made/pushed. Of course, some of his followers immediately told him was better, as 23&Me "lied" to "mess with racists". Let’s think about how you should interpret this news to make it to make it right.'”. “They often make choices among dozens of companies based on the kind of information they’re seeking. ... someone on Reddit commented on a post about this case that they knew someone by the name of Andy, who started hanging out with Joshua around the time he went missing. Picture taken August 11, 2017. 2. Nearly 500 posts made appeals by misapplying theories of genetics or by saying whiteness is a culture, not just biology — an apparent contradiction to the mission of forming a “pure” ethnostate. Search for his name right now and you’ll see endless videos, blogs and blind items dissecting possible reasons why he split from Nickelodeon, where he worked for decades as the … Over the course of two years, Panofsky and fellow UCLA sociologist Joan Donovan combed through this online community and found 153 posts where users volunteered the results of genetic ancestry tests. Now Professor Gregory Manco, a math professor at St. Joseph’s University, has been suspended after he made arguments opposing reparations… But the real takeaway centers on a new, nuanced pattern within white supremacist groups to redefine and solidify their ranks through genetic ancestry testing, said Aaron Panofsky, a UCLA sociologist who co-led the study presented Monday at the American Sociological Association’s 112th annual meeting in Montreal. But he said the rehab of white nationalist views doesn’t start with challenging their mental gymnastics with data. Theme images by, Yes, I've been online with my website for 25 years - a milestone! Commercial ancestry companies know these truths, but bend them to draw arbitrary conclusions about people’s ancestry, researchers say. '''==Welcome To Q Research General==''' '''We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. But their reference groups skew toward the present and overpromise on the details of where people came from., — Richard ⛷️ Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) January 4, 2017. Thank you. They then read through the subsequent discussion threads — 2,341 posts wherein the community faced their collective identities. Rather than toss statistics about how Muslims aren’t flooding the country and do not lead to spikes in crime, they will take a white supremacist to an Islamic center and have them sit down and spend time there. To catalog white supremacists’ reactions to genetic ancestry results, this study logged onto the website Stormfront. Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) #BanPaparazzi – will not post paparazzi photos When genetic anthropologists examine the full scope of humans, they find that historical patterns in DNA markers make the case that everyone in the world came from a common ancestor who was born in East Africa within the last 100,000 to 200,000 years. Giveaway starts Feb. 11, 2021 at midnight EDT and ends at midnight EDT Feb. 14, 2021 “Consumers have what I call genealogical aspiration,” Nelson told NewsHour. The two lists represent the reported council of 13 from two different sources, several names are common to both. Others accused the ancestry companies of being run and manipulated by Jews, in an attempt to thwart white nationalism, but even other Stormfront users pointed out the inaccuracy of this idea. I started with one ships' list in the days of only 1 or 2 genealogy websites online. Bringing you tutorials, genealogy book and app reviews, genealogy news, genealogy specials and more. It’s coming up to six months since Dan Schneider was booted out of Nickelodeon with a $7 million farewell.In that time, the rumors about the star TV producer have not stopped pouring out. If you’re interested in finding whether or not you’re a member of the small group that has, for example, some trace of Neanderthal DNA, then you’re going to go to a company that focuses on that.”, She said Panofsky and Donovan’s study shows that white nationalists will engage in “a process of psychic and symbolic negotiation” when genetic ancestry results fail to satisfy their “impossible idea for racial purity.”, But Panofsky, who doesn’t support or sympathize with white nationalists, believes these negotiations are not a reason to “dismiss white nationalists as ignorant and stupid.”, “I think that is actually a dangerous view,” Panofsky said. “A study by 23andMe reported that with their definition of European ancestry, there is an average of 98.6 percent European ancestry among self-reported European-Americans. Top trending video is some white supremacist thing why I shouldn’t forget my ancestry. Last year, I got one of those Ancestry DNA kits for my birthday. The atheists’ creation story 1. by Dominic Statham. Q. Assess the number of lives sacrificed to the Coronavirus entities and reconcile with history. Please check your inbox to confirm. You are responsible for anything in regards to the legality of entering a contest in the area in which you live. Example is LBRY. “One way to react to that is to perpetually spend all of your efforts to prove to the world that you are a winner.”. Bryan Lunduke says he’s switching off YouTube for LBRY, so I go there to check it out. CDT. Sardonicus agrees with Flan O’Brien that David Icke is OK if he’s no longer mad and has “recovered his wits”. You can read more about my site's beginnings at About, Entry Requirements: For a chance to win you must do two things: But McAleer continued that the emotional trauma fueling white supremacy extends past physical and sexual abuse. You can read more about my site's beginnings at. Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration. The important thing about these families is not just their incredible wealth, but also their very long ancestry. Even DNA, ancestry, and family history can't sufficiently pin down what someone's race is. Marks offered the recent example of three blond triplets who took an ancestry test for the TV show The Doctors. alternate method of sharing the news. WATCH: Years after transatlantic slavery, DNA tests give clarity, “Genetically, the idea of white European as a single homogenous group does not hold up. I started with one ships' list in the days of only 1 or 2 genealogy websites online. Newsletter sign up. Learn English free online at English, baby! Those old relatives bodies would have intact DNA and the question could be resolved the same as the claims of others such as Billy the Kid were resolved. Genetic ancestry companies assess a person’s geographic heritage by analyzing DNA markers in their autosomal DNA (for individual variation), mitochondrial DNA (for maternal history) or their Y chromosome (for paternal history). Anonymous 01/30/21 (Sat) 10:19:35 0b8d1a No. alternate method of sharing the news. These mutations can serve as branch points in the trees of human ancestry, Panofsky and Donovan wrote, and as DNA markers specific to different regions around the world. “Once they start to see that a lot of members of their community are not going to fit the ‘all-white’ criteria, they start to say, “Well, do we have to think about what percentage [of white European genealogy] could define membership?” said Aaron Panofsky, a UCLA sociologist who co-led the study presented Monday at the American Sociological Association’s 112th annual meeting in Montreal. Plus, groups intermingled so much over the course of history that genetic diversity is a continuum both within American and Europe, through to Asia and Africa, Novembre of the University of Chicago said. They compare DNA from a customer to the genomes of people — or reference groups — whose ancestries they claim to already know. “[They say] maybe there are going to be lots of different white nations, each with slightly different rules for nationalism? Published: 12 July 2016 (GMT+10) iStockphoto. 5. I have been searching for truth in this world all my life. Direct-to-consumer ancestry testing is a slippery, secretive industry, built largely upon arbitrary scientific definitions. These “repair responses” fell into two categories. Subscribe to ‘Here's the Deal,’ our politics newsletter. It should be noted that the accuracy of these racial DNA tests are of unknown and unvalidated accuracy. Happy 25th Birthday to! Reinterpret: The biggest proportion of responses — 1,260 posts — tried to rationalize the result by offering an “educational or scientific explanation” for the genetic ancestry results. Olive Tree Genealogy is thrilled to announce that thanks to's generousity, I am able to give a free 1 year All Access subscription in honour of the 25th Birthday of my website. He’s mad if he still believes in extraterrestrial lizards from outer space taking over planet earth. The world’s 10 richest billionaires have collectively seen their wealth increase by $540bn over this period. 4. Please note that only entries received at can be accepted. The names in brackets are alternative names for the families. You are responsible for anything in regards to the legality of entering a contest in the area in which you live. Go kill yourself,'” Panofsky said. The test said the triplets were 99 percent European. By housing “nearly one million archived threads and over twelve million posts by 325,000 or more members,” Stormfront serves as a living history of the white nationalist movement. They claim that a relatively small group of modern people can reveal the past makeup of Europe, Africa and Asia and the ancestral histories for millions of customers. Hindutva, often referred to as Hindu nationalism, is an extremist ideology that aims to dismantle India’s secular edifice and transform the country into a Hindu Rashtra—a majoritarian Hindu religio-nationalist state that relegates its 200 million Muslims and 30 million Christians into second-class citizens. Every time I go looking for one of these open alternatives it’s filled with fringe conspiracy theorists, actual racists, etc. Many adapted this line of thinking to make exceptions for those with mixed ancestry. 6. A voluntary DNA test from 23&Me revealed his ancestry as 79% European and 14.8% Native American. Winner of Free 1 Year Access to Ancestry! Updates about Olive Tree Genealogy website and other FREE genealogy records. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. All Rights Reserved. Some argued their family history was all the proof they needed. I will organise this massive puzzle into neat categories so that we can trace the threads of this story all the way through to the Victory of the Light! Their reactions range from challenging the basic math behind the tests to accusing Jewish conspirators of sabotage. Viral Inequality: From Jeff Bezos to the struggle of Indian Farmers. Print. The winner will be notified via your provided contact information and the winner's name will “We need to deal with the emotional drivers first,” McAleer said. Subscribe to our Science Newsletter to explore the wide worlds of science, health and technology. c) Be 18% Balkan Like every other conspiracy of this nature it doesn't stand up to rational scrutiny. The General Theory of Evolution (GTE) is the atheists’ creation story. All info re start and end dates and times are given in the blog post, Congratulations on 25 years amazing achievement, Available now as a paperback on,   Also available as an e-book on and Nsikan Akpan Simple theme. We need to “give him a break” and respect his ideas, however, if he longer believes all the lizard stuff. Washington Residents Fear Mayor Has Embraced QAnon Conspiracy Theory. One winner will be chosen to receive the giveaway. “Genetically, the idea of white European as a single homogenous group does not hold up.”. WorldPsychic Predictions – 2020-2021 These Predictions were: – Posted Jan 01, 2020 8:31 Pm. Reject! ... until he was cleared by DNA testing. Check out my NEW revised site for Naturalization Records! Or an overlapping set of nations, that are genetically defined in their own ways?”. Helping you find your family tree and ancestors. Learn more about Friends of the NewsHour. But one sister had more English and Irish ancestry, while another had more French and German. Contest Rules: Some argued their family history was all the proof they needed. These choices willfully bias the genetic definitions for both geography and time. They bargain. Though ancestry companies cite research that claims genetic tests can pinpoint someone within 100 miles of their European ancestral home, that’s not always the case. 3. “It’s black box because it’s corporate,“ said Jonathan Marks, biological anthropologist at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Find the latest U.S. news stories, photos, and videos on Follow Maria. If a genetic ancestry test stated someone was 95 percent white European, they would merely count the remaining 5 percent as a statistical error. There could be thousands of active members of these families. Read breaking headlines covering politics, economics, pop culture, and more. Aside from learning your ethnic background, one of the perks is being able to see if other Ancestry users may be long lost family members or relatives. Yet, when confronted with genetic evidence suggesting someone isn’t “pure blood,” as white supremacists put it, they do not cast the person out of online communities. Olive Tree Genealogy Free GiveAway Ancestry Subsciption. The internet was a barren genealogy landscape back then! © 1996 - 2021 NewsHour Productions LLC. And this co-opting of science raises an important reminder: The best way to counter white supremacists may not be to fight their alternative facts with logical ones, according to people who rehabilitate far-right extremists. “University of Maryland did a study of violent extremists and what they found was the number one correlated factor with someone joining a violent extremist group was childhood trauma.”. The Major topic of 2020 will of course be centered around the Presidential Elections and it… While it may sound like a wildly outlandish conspiracy theory, approximately 12 million Americans believe that it’s actually true and there is a conspiracy against humans perpetrated by the Reptilians. A few... Good news! See details above for entry requirements One coping mechanism involved the outright rejection of genetic tests’ validity. ... it has ultimately been more warmly received by conspiracy theorists than scholars. Please note that these predictions were written prior to Dec 28, 2019 in case some of them come true before you read them. The classic geographic boundaries of the Mediterranean, Caucasus, and Urals that have shaped human movement and contact are all permeable barriers,” said Novembre. Many white supremacists are dealing with toxic shame, a perpetual subconscious belief system where their sense of identity is negative. Nsikan Akpan. “Most of the genetic variants you or I carry, we share with other people all across the globe…If you are in some ethnic group, there are not single genetic variants that you definitely have and everyone outside the group does not.”. As a cancer surgeon and physician, I can’t stand Ty Bollinger. ... Stop with the conspiracy, make believe non-sense, Americans should be better than this. Use our free online English lessons, take quizzes, chat, and find friends and penpals today! Giveaway starts Feb. 11, 2021 at midnight EDT and end. The website resembles a Reddit-style social network, filled with chat forums and users posting under anonymous nicknames. “The person feels at a subconscious level they’re not good enough,” McAleer said. As with the Bible, it begins with creatio ex nihilo (creation from nothing)—and in the atheists’ view there really was nothing (and certainly no God) to act as first cause. If it seems white supremacists are making arbitrary decisions about their ancestry tests, it’s hard to blame them. Please note that only entries received at, Free Access to Ancestry's U.S. School Yearbooks, 1900-1999, The Problem of Family Not Wanting Your Genealogy Research, St Marys Perth Co. Ontario 1911 census index online. ReddIt. The culmination of this journey is this website. From Aug 27 - Sep 2, you can browse U.S.... Several years ago I came to the realization that no one in my immediate family wants my 40 plus years of research on our genealogy. be posted on Olive Tree Genealogy blog. DNA testing would give you a general indication of the path your family has taken to get to You, but DNA doesn’t encode religion so it is not by itself proof of Jewish ancestry. This conspiracy requires that there is a group of people who genetically engineered this virus to kill people. Subscribe to Here’s the Deal, our politics newsletter for analysis you won’t find anywhere else. The winner will be notified via your provided contact information and the winner's name will Collecting DNA is about collecting data and making money, not about your ancestry. 6. “Much more of the responses are what we call repair responses — where they’re saying, ‘OK, this is bad news. “A personal connection is a much more powerful way to change the dynamics within a person, than it is to re-educate the dataset that’s in their head,” McAleer said. 15% Scandinavian… “So sometimes, someone says, ‘Yeah, this makes you not white. I started with one ships' list in the days of only 1 or 2 genealogy websites online. But white supremacists aren’t the only ones to buy into these wayward notions when genetic ancestry tests support their self-prescribed identities or reject the science when things don’t pan out as expected.
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